line managers

美 [laɪn ˈmænədʒərz]英 [laɪn ˈmænɪdʒəz]
  • n.部门经理
  • line manager的复数
line managersline managers

line managers


  • 1
    N-COUNT 部门经理
    Your line manager is the person at work who is in charge of your department, group, or project.

  1. Communicate with line managers to update the recruiting requirements .


  2. She thinks champions and other initiatives work well but personal responsibility must also be cultivated and line managers equipped to look at the issues in a broader context .


  3. Workers who realise they 're experiencing boreout may also be reluctant to flag it up as an issue to line managers or human resources .


  4. Man : Better to hand them to their line managers ,


  5. For example , even business line managers influence IT spending today .


  6. Line managers endorse and approve the individual training plan .


  7. The line managers are responsible for the main activities of the company such as manufacturing and sales .


  8. It is the responsibility of HR department to assist Line managers in all training and development matters .


  9. All their research points to the same conclusion : people prefer to get their information face-to-face from their line managers .


  10. Furthermore , the more involvement in communication and work analysis of line managers the more credible and accurate job evaluation result is .


  11. The objective of the administration division of the HKMA is to provide the best possible infrastructural support to facilitate line managers in accomplishing their tasks .


  12. In this thesis , the theoretical model is proposed based on the literature review towards job evaluation , business line managers ' participation in human resource management activities and other major concepts .


  13. Employees to be assigned to full time training away from their work location will be nominated by their respective Line managers in accordance with their approved individual development programs .


  14. One particular thing I always advise clients to do is to look over the exhibitor list with great care and talk to line managers and colleagues about it .


  15. At every the end of the year , the planning that the line managers should all contrast for previous year with staff carries on the inspection , make next year 's planning .


  16. Employees at Tyson Foods experiencing the kind of problems they might not want to take to their line managers have someone else they can approach the corporate chaplain .


  17. We must help line managers to realize that if their companies are known as ones that develop their people , they will have a greater appeal to high-flyers , said one advisor .


  18. Too often line managers and workers agree commuting arrangements informally , not realising that both the company and employee can become liable for tax in the destination country .


  19. It requires new perspective on the role of human capital and new competencies on your both HR professionals and line managers , can give you firm an important new competitive advantage in21st century .


  20. Misery , he says , is largely the fault of line managers , and if only they could remember what it felt like to be miserable as a worker they could fix it .


  21. At Citi , Prof Kaplan writes , a new system of monthly meetings of the CEO , the line managers and their teams " created acute incentives " to increase sales and cut costs .


  22. Perhaps a first , modest step would be to introduce operating line managers from both sides to each other and urge them to come up performance improvement initiatives ( not just cost reductions ) that they could pursue together .


  23. The best way for employers to reduce the risk of employees using this type of drug is to ensure that line managers are trained effectively , working hours are appropriate and that people are not put under excessive and prolonged pressure .


  24. Rather , he thinks the solution lies in training line managers to be better at spotting when employees are under too much stress or ill , and dealing with the situation sensibly - skills that the average MBA student is taught too rarely .


  25. The paper focuses on the contents of two : First , in-depth analysis and HJ hotels senior management , managers and line managers on human resource management effectiveness and existing problems of the interviews , in order to define the staff , the initial reason for the high turnover .


  26. is deeply troubling.If the company can 't get its staff to do something as simple as pick up litter despite years of bleating from the chief executive and line managers and despite the fact that it claims to revere sustainability , it has deeper problems than losing about £ 40m a year delivering letters .


  27. Once this monitored data becomes visible to line operation managers , the whole system can become intelligent .


  28. He believes when growth does occur , shareholders are often at the back of the line and star managers or empire building at the front .


  29. The product ships with developer-facing IT wizards for the definition of events , and a business facing point and click UI targeted at line of business managers .


  30. The quit rate of line workers , middle managers and even top managers is increasing .
